On Ramp Custom Parameters

In webpage docking, you can pass in the following parameters to reduce user input, which will simplify the user's operation process and improve the conversion rate.

Attention: only appId is required for the following parameters, and all other parameters are optional.

Example link:


Parameter MandatoryRemarks
appIdYAppId is required, you must pass in appId to make the following parameters take effect
merchantOrderNoNThe merchant order number you generated for this order, Alchemy Pay will carry this parameter in the webhook, so you can track the order information through this parameter.
fiatNThis represents the fiat currency that the user needs to pay. If passed in, users will not be able to modify the fiat currency. The fiat currencies supported by Alchemy Pay can be here.
fiatAmountNThis represents the amount of fiat currency the user needs to pay. If passed in, the user will not be able to modify the order amount.
When you pass in fiatAmount, you need to pass in fiat at the same time, otherwise, it will be meaningless.
cryptoNThis represents the digital currency that the user wants to buy. If passed in, users will not be able to purchase other digital currencies. The digital currencies supported by Alchemy Pay can be check here.
networkNThis represents the digital currency network that the user is allowed to use. It is recommended to pass in both network and crypto so that the digital currency purchased by the user can be accurately restricted. If passed in, the user will not be able to modify the network. The network can be viewed here.
The crypto and network parameters should match. If the crypto and network parameters you pass in do not match, the parameters you pass in will not take effect.
addressNThis represents the user's wallet address to receive digital currency. If passed in, the user will not be able to modify the wallet address.
The address needs to match the network. If the address you pass in does not match the network, all the parameters you pass in will not take effect.
When you pass in address, you need to ensure that address is an address owned by the user.
memoNNote: The memo parameter is required for BNB, EOS, SEI, XLM, and XRP networks.
When you pass in the address parameter, you must add sign, otherwise it will not take effect
signNThis parameter is mandatory when address is passed in. In other cases, no input is required.
Regarding the sign generation rules, refer to here.
emailNThis represents the email address used by the user. When you pass in this parameter, we will bring in this email address by default, but the user still needs to enter the email verification code to verify the secondary email address.
eg:email=[email protected]
tokenNIf you have verified your user's email address and want the user to skip the email verification link in the AlchemyPay experience, you can pass in this parameter.
For token generation rules, refer to here.
Do not use this parameter if you cannot verify the user's email address. If you have already generated a token, you only need to pass in the token in the link, and you don't need to pass in the email.
languageNThis represents the language of the ramp page opened by the user.
es Spanish
zh-HK Traditional Chinese
en-US English
showTableNIf you want the opened ramp page to only display the on-ramp option, you can pass in this parameter.
redirectUrlNThis represents the link to the web page that the user is redirected to after a successful/failed purchase. You can customize this page.
callbackUrlNAfter the user's purchase is successful/failed and receives the crypto, Alchemy Pay will notify you of the payment result to this address, you can refer the result to here.
merchantNameNMerchant custom name, when the merchant passes in this name, the merchant name on the order completion page will be displayed according to this parameter.


Implementing Google Pay on Android

Currently Google Pay cannot be used as a webview within Android apps. This is because pop-up blockers are built into the webviews, preventing Google Pay to be displayed. As a result, in order to allow your customers to purchase crypto using Google Pay, you will need to redirect the customer to the browser.

For more information: https://developers.google.com/pay/api/web/support/faq