Order Status

It may take us a few minutes to several working days to confirm the payment result. We will update the order status once we have received the payment result.

On Ramp

PENDINGWaiting for payment
PAY_FAILPayment fail
PAY_SUCCESSPayment success
TRANSFERIn the process of transferring the token
INTERIM_PAY_FAILThe order payment failed, but the user can still proceed with the payment.
CANCELOrder cancel
FINISHEDOrder completed
RISK_CONTROLHigh-risk orders
REFUNDEDRefund orders
INVALID_ADDRESSInvalid address

Off Ramp

1Order create success
2User tranasfered token
3Start to pay fiat to the user
4Payment success
5Payment fail
6Refund success
7Order expired