Bank Card Query
POST Bank Card Query
POST /api/mastercard/masterCardQuery.html
Bank card query
Request Body
"cardId": "card123456",
"cardNo": "1234567890",
"randomStr": "abcdef1234567890"
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Base64 Encoded | Description |
cardId | string | false | none | cardId or cardNo must be filled in at least |
cardNo | string | false | none | cardId or cardNo must be filled in at least |
randomStr | string | true | none | 32-character random string |
Example Response
200 Response
"cardNo": "string",
"cardType": 0,
"cardChannel": 0,
"cardStatus": 0,
"balance": 0,
"accountlist": [
"currency": "string",
"balance": 0,
"digital": 0
Response Fields
Name | Type | Required | Constraint | Description |
cardNo | string | true | none | card number |
cardType | integer | true | none | card type |
cardChannel | integer | true | none | card category |
cardStatus | integer | true | none | card status |
balance | integer | true | none | balance |
accountList | array | true | none | account list |
The parameters contained in the accountlist are as follows:
Name | Type | Required | Constraint | Description |
currency | string | true | none | Currency |
balance | integer | true | none | Balance |
digital | any | true | none | Digital |
Updated 3 months ago