Query of User Card Information
Query user card information (only return card of normal status)
API Description
Environmental Information
Test environment domain name: https://sbx-card-api.alchemypay.org
Production environment domain name: https://card-api.alchemypay.org
Request Method: POST
Request Path: /open/merchant/api/findUserCard
Content-Type: application/json
Request Parameter
Parameter | Signature | Required | Type | Length | Description |
Yes | No | string | 64 | ||
appId | Yes | Yes | string | 32 | Merchant appid |
sign | Yes | Yes | string | 512 | Signature |
- "Signature" indicates whether the parameter needs to be included in the signature calculation.
- Please upload the email field after you confirm the user's email. If you cannot guarantee the authenticity of the user's email, please do not upload this field.
Request Parameter Example
"email": "123@qq.com",
"appId": "qmamnbodyqzbdr0w",
"sign": "8979EEB59CF15246A04E033962CA4084973A9D0F2F5CC08F07B99E9D0338F4486ED7700CF78F6365C2E399ED593B3EF9059F2EC808B5107CED8CC17BA0475962"
Response Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | string | Code - code description for details |
msg | string | Return message |
+model | array | Returned when successful |
└ cardId | string | Card ID |
└ cardNumber | string | Card number |
└ cardType | string | 1: Virtual card, 2: Physical card |
└ cardStatus | int | 1: Normal, 2: Abnormal |
└ status | int | 0: Card creation in progress, 1: Available for use |
└ cardCreate | string | Card creation time |
traceId | string | traceId |
success | boolean | Success status |
error | boolean | Failure status |
Successful Response Example
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"model": [
"cardNumber": "5580684317191565",
"cardPattern": 1,
"cardId": "c_53cd2815de6142acb54d",
"cardStatus": 2,
"status": 1,
"cardCreate": "2023-12-01 13:00:00",
"monthlyFlag": false
"cardNumber": "5567665606016354",
"cardPattern": 1,
"cardId": "c_322265aa46c04cd8bc38",
"cardStatus": 1,
"status": 1,
"cardCreate": "2023-12-01 14:00:00",
"monthlyFlag": false,
"traceId": "656804e04e64df0d3c229a42662b1f2e",
"error": false,
"success": true
Failure Response example
"code": "2606",
"msg": "user does not exist",
"model": null,
"traceId": "644622ad97df9eed485ae837c9a48d5a",
"error": true,
"success": false
For more return error codes, please see the code description.
Updated about 1 month ago