Webhook for Card Created Successfully


Successful card opening callback


eventTypestringWebhook Event Type
eventIdstringWebhook Event ID
webhookSubscribeIdstringWebhook subscription ID
└userIdstringUser ID
└cardHolderIdstringCardholder ID
└holderNamestringCardholder Name
└cardIdstringCard ID
└cardSeqNostringCard Serial Number
└cardCustomerIdstringCustom Customer ID
└depositlongTotal recharge (in cents)
└consumelongConsumption (in cents)
└balancelongBalance (in cents)
└numberstringCard number
└cardBinstringCard segment ID
└last4stringThe last 4 digits of the card
└statusstringCard Status
└statusTextstringCard Status Description
└ expYearlongExpiration year
└expMonthlongExpiration month
└gmtCreatetimestampRecord creation time
└orderNostringOrder No.

Response Example

       "userId": "u_sdasdf1",
        "cardHolderId": "ch_sdasdf1",
        "holderName": "Kobe Bryant",
        "cardId": "c_sdasdf1",
        "cardSeqNo": "CAEE7QW",
        "deposit": 100000,
        "consume": 0,
        "balance": 100000,
        "cvc": "123",
        "number": "400 0009990000096",
        "cardBin": "vab_069af8a792ad",
        "last4": "0096",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "expYear": 2021,
        "expMonth": 5,
        "gmtCreate": 1597847779,
        "customerId": null,