
  • Merchant want users use the token that non-support by COBO, merchant can consider the treasury mode for their token.
  • Treasury mode requires merchant to develop two api on their side, including create order and order query.
  • For customized development costs, please contact our business director.

Provide Token Information

Crypto CurrencyThe name of the crypto currency.
NetworkNetwork of crypto currency.
IconIcon of crypto currency.
ContractThe contract address of crypto currency.
Liquidity SourceThe source of the liquidity of token and USDT/USDC, it can be CEX(Binance/Kucoin/OKX) or DEX(uniswapV2/pancakeV2) and also your self-defined API for transferring the crypto.
Price SourceThe source of the price of token and USDT/USDC, it can be CEX(Binance/Kucoin/OKX) or DEX(uniswapV2/pancakeV2) and also your self-defined API for acquiring the price.
Blockchain BrowserBlockchain browser for querying whether digital currency is received, such as

Flow Chart

User will choose token on the page and redirect user to merchant checkout for payment.