Page Integration


Partner is redirected to Alchemy Pay's NFT checkout page. The NFTs parameters are considered in the process.

Test environment

Prod environment

Http method

  • Redirect
  • Content-Type: application/json


ElementMandatorySignatureData TypeRemarks
appIdYYstringPartner unique ID, once a merchant has been on-boarded with Alchemy Pay, the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId and appSecret
tokenCCstringFetch from token API. With accessToken, email’s OTP authentication will skip. Processed by URLencode.
emailCCstringEnd user's mail, get from Fetch Token API with token if user want to skip the authentication. Processed by URLencode. Otherwise, just pass the email in plaintext.
idCCstringSession ID from fetch token API, pass with email and token. Processed by URLencode.
timestampYYstringUTC time with 13 digit
timeoutYYstringtime going to expire, UTC,13 digit
fiatCYstringfiat type, char code with ISO4217 encoding currency unit, USD/EUR/SGD/JPY/GBP, etc. Required parameter for fiat-based🔺
amountCYstringTotal NFT order fiat amount. The payment channel fee that the user needs to pay will be deducted from the amount. Required parameter for fiat-based🔺
cryptoCYstringBTC/ETH.etc ETH default. Required parameter for crypto-based🔺
cryptoAmountCYstringTotal NFT oder crypto amount,Required parameter for crypto-based🔺
targetFiatCYstringDefault fiat payment type for display
typeYYstringNFT type: MARKET/MINT
uniqueIdCYstringNFT Unique Identity, Required for NFT type MARKET 🔺
quantityCYstringNFT quantity, Required for NFT type MINT 🔺
nameYYstringNFT name
pictureYYstringNFT pic rendering URL, 220px * 220 px,
redirectUrlYYstringRedirect URL after buying NFT succeed
callbackUrlYYstringWebhook URL to get the notify message from Alchemy Pay
merchantOrderNoYYstringMerchant defined order ID
merchantNameCYstringMerchant name


Fiat-based parameters:

    "amount": "5",
    "appId": "ahzxh0klegv1fzol",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "fiat": "SGD",
    "merchantName": "name",
    "merchantOrderNo": "ACH_TEST2023020110027",
    "name": "xter-nft",
    "nonce": 223634627,
    "picture": "",
    "quantity": "3",
    "redirectUrl": "",
    "signature": "nLjws0bt5PANY0ZE9BlnvFnHL4Y=",
    "targetFiat": "SGD",
    "timeout": "1675311363000",
    "timestamp": 1675305175,
    "type": "MINT"

Crypto-based parameters:

    "appId": "ahzxh0klegv1fzol",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "crypto": "ETH",
    "cryptoAmount": "0.01",
    "merchantName": "name",
    "merchantOrderNo": "ACH_TEST2023020110027",
    "name": "xter-nft",
    "nonce": 839208497,
    "picture": "",
    "quantity": "3",
    "redirectUrl": "",
    "signature": "NzFLwv6pIwkN09SxKBz8QwFyxdA=",
    "targetFiat": "SGD",
    "timeout": "1675311363000",
    "timestamp": 1675305012,
    "type": "MINT"