Submit basic information
Brief description: Submit basic information
Request method: POST /open/api/kyc/share/information
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Remarks |
appId | Y | string | App unique identifier |
timestamp | Y | string | Current UTC 13-digit timestamp, valid within 5 minutes |
sign | Y | string | Signature, you can refer to the signature Click Here |
Parameter | Required | Type | Length | Description |
requestNo | Yes | string | 64 | Request number (must be unique) |
Yes | string | 64 | Email (must be unique) | |
kycPlatform | Yes | string | 32 | KYC platform:sumsub |
holderType | Yes | string | 1 | 1: Individual |
individualInfo | Yes | object | Individual information | |
firstName | Yes | string | 35 | First name |
lastName | Yes | string | 35 | Last name |
dob | Yes | string | Date of birth format: YYYY-MM-DD | |
country | Yes | string | 8 | Country |
gender | Yes | Integer | 1 | Gender 1: Male 2: Female |
idDocType | Yes | string | 1 | Document type 1=ID Card 2=Passport 3=RESIDENCE_PERMIT 4=DRIVERS |
number | Yes | string | 64 | Document number |
validUntil | Yes | string | Document expiration date format: YYYY-MM-DD if permanent use 2099-01-01 | |
ipAddress | Yes | string | 64 | IP address |
address | Yes | object | Address information | |
country | Yes | string | 8 | Country |
state | Yes | string | 32 | State |
city | Yes | string | 64 | City |
address | Yes | string | 256 | Address |
zipCode | Yes | string | 16 | Zip code |
ssn | No | string | 16 | Required if country is the USA |
Request example
"requestNo": "222222",
"email": "[email protected]",
"kycPlatform": "123",
"holderType": "1",
"remark": "123131",
"individualInfo": {
"firstName": "213",
"lastName": "213",
"dob": "2023-01-01",
"country": "US",
"gender": "1",
"idDocType": "1",
"number": "123",
"validUntil": "2023-01-02",
"ipAddress": "123",
"address": {
"country": "USA",
"state": "213",
"city": "213",
"address": "123",
"zipCode": "123",
"ssn": "123"
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Success flag |
error | boolean | Error flag |
msg | string | Response message |
code | integer | Response code |
model | Object | Response data |
traceId | string | Trace ID |
Response example
code: 0
msg: Operation successful
model: null
traceId: 652366764a52596446c629939e486913
success: true
error: false
For more error codes please refer to the error code descriptions on the home page
Updated 5 months ago