Bank Card Replacement

POST Bank Card Replacement

POST /api/mastercard/changeCard.html

Replace a bank card. Note: After a successful card replacement, the old card will be frozen, and the new card will be automatically activated using the cardholder information from the old card. The balance from the old card will be transferred to the new card within 24 hours. During this period, please ensure the security of the card to prevent any user losses.

Request Body

  "cardId": "card123",
  "cardNo": "**** **** **** 1234",
  "cvv": "123",
  "oldCardId": "old_card123",
  "oldCardNo": "**** **** **** 5678",
  "randomStr": "abcdef1234567890"

Request Parameters

NameTypeRequiredBase64 EncodedDescription
cardIdstringfalsenonecardId or cardNo must be filled in at least
cardNostringfalsenonecardId or cardNo must be filled in at least
cvvstringfalsenoneCVV will be validated if provided
oldCardIdstringtruenoneEither oldCardId or oldCardNo must be filled in at least
oldCardNostringtruenoneEither oldCardId or oldCardNo must be filled in at least
randomStrstringtruenone32-digit random string

Example Response

200 Response

Response Fields