Query Order
Query order
API Description
Request Method:POST
Request Path:open/api/payment/query
Request Parameter
Parameter | Sign | Mandatory | Type | Length | Remarks |
appId | Y | Y | string | 64 | ACH order number |
merchantOrderNo | Y | Y | string | 64 | merchant order number |
sign | N | Y | string | 256 | sign |
Response Parameter
Parameter | Sign | Type | Length | Remarks |
orderNo | Y | String | 64 | AEON order number |
orderStatus | Y | String | 32 | Order status |
userId | Y | String | 128 | User ID(email or phone number) |
merchantOrderNo | Y | String | 64 | Merchant order number |
orderCurrency | Y | String | 32 | Currency of order (USD/EUR) |
orderAmount | Y | String | 16 | Amount of order (cent) |
payCryptoRate | Y | String | 16 | Rate of payment crypto (to USDT) |
payFiatRate | Y | String | 16 | Rate of payment fiat (to USD) |
payCryptoCurrency | Y | String | 32 | Cryptocurrency of payment |
payCryptoVolume | Y | String | 16 | Cryptocurrency payment amount |
payCryptoNetwork | Y | String | 32 | Cryptocurrency payment network |
address | Y | String | 256 | Address for user transfer |
hxAddress | Y | String | 256 | Hash address |
failReason | Y | String | 256 | Fail reason |
fee | Y | String | 16 | Transaction fee |
customParam | N | Object | 512 | Expend parameter |
settlementAmount | N | string | 16 | Amount of settlement |
settlementCurrency | N | string | 16 | Currency of settlement |
orderTime | N | string | 64 | UTC+8 time zone, format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
payTime | N | string | 64 | UTC+8 time zone, format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
payMethod | N | string | 16 | only affect while using WALLET CONNECT and TON CONNECT Payment method user used |
fromAddress | N | string | 256 | only affect while using WALLET CONNECT and TON CONNECT User address for token transfer |
Order Status
Code | Details |
INIT | Waiting for user payment |
PROCESSING | During the payment process |
COMPLETED | Payment success |
TIMEOUT | Payment cancel |
FAILED | Payment failure |
DELAY_SUCCESS | Order overtime and payment success |
DELAY_FAILED | Order overtime and payment failed |
Fail Reason
Code | Details |
crypto or network inconsistent | Currency or network doesn't match the order |
Your payment amount is lower than this order | User payment amount lower than order amount |
Due to fluctuations in the currency proce, your payment amount cannot fulfill this order | The price fluctuation higher than payment slippage |
Response Example
"address": "T9ys1EqRenWmUGCXx4ASDFGHJY1CtA",
"fee": "2",
"hxAddress": "2b04aa547740d8de8d442bc18212345678b0010d6658379bf3c319",
"merchantOrderNo": "to_4bc9603b12345685",
"orderAmount": "100",
"orderCurrency": "USD",
"orderNo": "300217231234569729",
"orderStatus": "COMPLETED",
"payCryptoCurrency": "USDT",
"payCryptoNetwork": "TRX",
"payCryptoRate": "1",
"payCryptoVolume": "102",
"payFiatRate": "1",
"settlementAmount": "100",
"settlementCurrency": "USD",
"sign": "C615A4F6436CAA308D342E7C49D0164765D3563EC3E3E61F889E9B46BB1E6F1EEEB28280DA233B81E31591C8B1A33C0EE7969CD3",
"userId": "u_dabd12345647"
"payCryptoCurrency": "ACH",
"vCryptoNetwork": "BTC",
"payCryptoRate": "123.4",
"payCryptoVolume": "123",
"payFaitRate": "1.23",
"address": "adfdsafdsafdsafdsafadsfdsaf",
"customParam": "customParam",
"failReason": "crypto or network inconsistent",
"fee": "1.1",
"hxAddress": "aweweas",
"merchantOrderNo": "9999999999",
"orderAmount": "12",
"orderCurrency": "EUR",
"orderNo": "300217177567252640030",
"orderStatus": "CLOSE",
"userId": "[email protected]"
Updated 3 months ago