API For Notification Of Token Transfer
After the payment, AlchemyPay will push the user's payment information to you through webhook.
After receiving the notification, you need to transfer cryptos to the user according to the crypto, address, and cryptoAmount.
API Definition
Path: POST API defined by merchant
Head Parameters:
Element | Mandatory | Data Type | Remarks |
appId | Y | string | Partner unique ID |
timestamp | Y | string | UTC time with 13 digits to represent time in milliseconds, the expiration period is 5 minutes |
sign | Y | string | SHA1(appId + appSecret + timestamp), perform SHA1 hash calculation on the concatenated string of the three parameters to generate hexadecimal characters, the sign method can refer here |
Body Parameters:
Element | Mandatory | Data Type | Remarks |
orderNo | Y | string | AlchemyPay's order no |
merchantOrderNo | C | string | If the order includes the merchantOrderNo, this field will be returned. |
crypto | Y | string | Name of the crypto |
network | Y | string | Name of the network |
address | Y | string | Address for transfer |
cryptoAmount | Y | string | Amount of the token,❗️include the network fee |
cryptoPrice | Y | string | Price of the token / USDT |
usdtAmount | Y | string | The amount of USDT for this order |
Format of the response:
"data": null,//you can add your own data
"success": true,
"returnCode": "0000",
"returnMsg": "in amet"
"data": null,//you can add your own data
"success": false,
"returnCode": "9999",
"returnMsg": "kjhebt"
Updated 7 months ago