Bank Card Activation

POST Bank Card Activation

POST /api/mastercard/masterCardBind.html

Bank card activation: Activation status: 1 - Success, 2 - Failure

Request Body

  "cardId": "card123456",
  "cardNo": "1234567890",
  "holderId": "holder123456",
  "randomStr": "abcdef1234567890"

Request Parameters

NameTypeRequiredBase64 EncodingField NameDescription
cardIdstringfalsenoneCard tokenEither cardId or cardNo must be provided
cardNostringfalsenoneCard numberEither cardId or cardNo must be provided
holderIdstringtruenoneCardholder IDCardholder ID
randomStrstringtruenoneRandomstrA random string of 32 characters

Example Response

200 Response

    "activeStatus": 1,
    "errMsg": "Activation successful, 1: Success, 2: Failure"

Response Fields

activeStatusintegertruenoneActivation status: 1 - Success, 2 - Failure
errMsgstringtruenoneStatus description