Native API Integration


In this integration method, all front-end pages must be developed by the merchant, allowing users to complete payments entirely within the merchant’s interface.

Supports both onramp and offramp scenarios:

  • For onramp, the ACH response provides a link that directly redirects to the payment gateway page.Currently, onramp only supports Credit Cards, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.
  • For offramp, the ACH response provides the receiving wallet address of the order.




API Endpoints

API Call Recommendations

  1. First, call the Crypto Query API to check the supported crypto and limits.
  2. Then, call the Fiat Query API to check the available payment methods and limits.
  3. If an estimate is needed, call the Quote Query API.
  4. Call the Get Token API to retrieve the user token.
  5. Call the Payment Method Form Query API to retrieve the form information required for the payment method.
  6. Call the Submit Form API to submit the user’s payment account information.
  7. Call the Create Order API.