Bot Create Order


This interface can be used when accessing Crypto Payment on telegram. ACH returns a web url and pulls up a page for user payment.

Regarding telegram bot, three usage modes are provided, depending on which front-end the merchant pulls up the payment page.

  1. Browser mode: The merchant pulls up the weburl in the browser, and the payment page will be opened in the browser. After payment, it will jump to the redirectURL uploaded by the merchant

  2. MINIAPP mode: The merchant pulls up the weburl in the miniapp, and the payment page will be embedded in the miniapp. The pop-up window will be closed after the payment is successful.(No need to uploaded redirectURL)

  3. Bot mode: The merchant pulls up the ACH's bot, and jumps back to the merchant's bot after the payment is successful.


Request Method:POST

Request Path:open/api/tg/payment/V2


Request parameters

appIdYYstring64AppId is uniqle for merchant
merchantOrderNoYYstring64Customer transaction ID
orderAmountYYstring64Order amount (amount unit: dollar)
payCurrencyYYstring64Currency of payment (EUR / USD)
userIdYYstring128UserId is uniqle for user (email / phone number)
paymentTokensYNstring1281. Specify payment token, multiple tokens can be transferred
2. After transfer, users can only use the listed tokens for payment
3. Must be included in the merchant configuration token table
4. Will work on both coin payment and exchange
Check on supported token list
redirectURLNNstring512The redirection address after the successful purchase
callbackURLNNstring512The address receiving order webhook
customParamNNstring512Merchant custom parameters
expiredTimeNNstring32Time of expire (no more than 172800 second)
Example:if the order expires in 1 hour, please upload 3600.
payTypeNNstring32Type of payment
paymentNetworksNNstring32Specify payment network(separated by comma)
Check on supported token list
orderModelNNstring32Order mode (ORDER/RECHARGE) capital letter required
Telegram front-end display mode: BROWSER/MINIAPP/BOT

“customParam”: Extension parameter (required when tgModel is set to BOT)

botNameNNstringbot user name
chatIdNNstringuser tg chatId
orderDetailNNstringOrder description

Payment Methods

Payment MethodPayment Method Code
QR Code PaymentWALLET

Payment Currency

USD2 non-zero decimal places after the decimal point100.12
EUR2 non-zero decimal places after the decimal point100.12
HKD2 non-zero decimal places after the decimal point100.12
Token Name(USDT)The token used for unit configured, 8 non-zero decimal places after the decimal point1.12345678

Telegram Front-end Display Mode

ModeNameDifference of WebURLDifference of RedirectURL
BROWSERBrowser ModewebUrl payment http addressredirectURL:
Redirect to Merchant address after payment completed
MINIAPPPop-up modewebUrl payment http addressredirectURL:
Directly close the pop-up
BOTJump to payment bot modewebUrl payment bot addressredirectURL:
Redirect to Merchant bot address after payment completed

Request Example

    "appId": "6fdbaac2********5ad705e9293",
    "callbackURL": "",
    "customParam": "{\"botName\":\"ABCDCryptoPaymentTestBot\",\"orderDetail\":\"ABDC Test BAG 🎒\",\"chatId\":\"68*****61\"}",
    "expiredTime": "999999",
    "merchantOrderNo": "17243134568514",
    "orderAmount": "10",
    "orderModel": "ORDER",
    "payCurrency": "USD",
    "sign": "TEST000001",
    "tgModel": "MINIAPP",
    "userId": "51*****"

Description of Response Parameters

codelongResponse code
msgstringResponse message
traceIdstringTrace id
modelobjectResponse details

Response Example

    "code": "0",
    "model": {
        "orderNo": "300217243809185440066",
        "webUrl": ""
    "msg": "success",
    "traceId": "66c7f6f6f7e8c1827f4fe27905f96546"