Verify Refund Order
- It is recommended that merchants verify if an order is eligible for a refund before processing it, to avoid duplicate refunds or order in non-refundable statuses (e.g., in payment processing).
- If the status does not support a refund, an error code will be returned. See Return Code List for details.
Refund order supported all token and network for payment.
API Description
Request Method: POST
Request URL: open/api/payment/checkRefund
Body Parameters:
Parameter | Signature Required | Required | Type | Length | Description |
appId | Yes | Yes | string | 64 | appID |
merchantOrderNo | Yes | Yes | string | 64 | Merchant order number |
refundToken | Yes | Yes | string | 32 | Refund token |
refundNetwork | Yes | Yes | string | 32 | Refund network |
refundAmount | No | No | string | 32 | Refund amount(in fiat same as order amount, EUR/USD) |
sign | No | Yes | string | 128 | Signature |
Response Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Length | Description |
orderNum | string | 32 | ach order number |
paymentStatus | string | 32 | Payment status |
refundOrderAmount | string | 32 | Refund order amount |
orderCurrency | string | 32 | Order currency |
withdrawLimit | string | 32 | Maximum and minimum refund limit Error withdraw limit: front number:minimum amount of this refund token and network second number:minimum amount of this order refund |
Response Example:
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"model": {
"orderNum": "300217186928983690133",
"paymentStatus": "COMPLETED",
"refundOrderAmount": 0.003833,
"orderCurrency": "ETH",
"withdrawLimit": "0.001149ETH~3833180.006133ETH"
"traceId": "670f7752c765235990e9accc36c44fa8",
"success": true,
"error": false
Updated 3 months ago