Submit basic information
Submit user basic information.
Http method and path
Http body
Element | Mandatory | Data Type | Remarks |
requestNo | Y | string | Request ID (must be unique) |
Y | string | Email (must be unique) | |
kycPlatform | Y | string | kyc Platform |
holderType | Y | string | 1: Personal |
callbackUrl | Y | string | Callback Url |
+individualInfo | Y | object | identity information |
└firstName | Y | string | firstName |
└lastName | Y | string | lastName |
└dob | Y | string | Date of birth:YYYY-MM-DD |
└country | Y | string | country |
└gender | Y | Integer | gender 1: man 2: woman |
└idDocType | Y | string | certificate type 1:ID Card 2:Passport 3:RESIDENCE_PERMIT 4:DRIVERS |
└number | Y | string | ID number |
└validUntil | Y | string | Document expiration date, format: YYYY-MM-DD. If it is valid indefinitely, please enter 2099-01-01. |
└ipAddress | Y | string | ip address |
+address | Y | object | address information |
└country | Y | string | country |
└state | Y | string | |
└city | Y | string | city |
└address | Y | string | address |
└zipCode | Y | string | postcode |
└ssn | Y | string | If the country is the United States, Social Security Number (SSN) is required. |
Request Example
"requestNo": "222222",
"email": "[email protected]",
"kycPlatform": "123",
"holderType": "1",
"individualInfo": {
"firstName": "213",
"lastName": "213",
"dob": "2023-01-01",
"country": "US",
"gender": "1",
"idDocType": "1",
"number": "123",
"validUntil": "2023-01-02",
"ipAddress": "123",
"address": {
"country": "USA",
"state": "213",
"city": "213",
"address": "123",
"zipCode": "123",
"ssn": "123"
Response Parameter
Data Type | Data Type | Remarks |
success | boolean | Success flag |
error | boolean | flag |
msg | string | message |
code | integer | code |
model | Object | data |
traceId | string | traceId |
Response Example
"code": "0",
"msg": "操作成功",
"model": null,
"traceId": "652366764a52596446c629939e486913",
"success": true,
"error": false
- For more error codes, please refer to the error code descriptions on the homepage.
Updated 14 days ago