Mock Payment

Merchant Account

This feature requires testing with a specific appId. Please contact us to obtain it.


Request Domain:
Request Method:GET

Request Parameters

orderNostringYACH order number
statusstringY1:order complete 2:payment failure 3:order overtime

Response Example

    "success": true,
    "returnCode": "0000",
    "returnMsg": "SUCCESS",
    "extend": "",
    "data": null,
    "traceId": "6628e02febef7f9085c57a6a7936287e"


Request Domain:
Request Method:GET
Path: /task/mock/sell/order/status

Request Parameters

Parameter LocationTypeMandatoryDescription
orderNoquerystringNOrder number
statusquerystringYOrder status.
Required parameter with possible values:
1 (order completed), 2 (payment failed), 3 (order timed out), 4 (refund completed).

Response Example

    "success": true,
    "returnCode": "0000",
    "returnMsg": "SUCCESS",
    "extend": "",
    "data": null,
    "traceId": "6628e1cb1ec7e3434df4676cf436fa89"

Explanation of Status Codes

1Indicates that the order’s mock payment was successful.
The execution status requires the order to be either in status 1 (completed) or 3 (timed out).
2Indicates that the order’s mock payment failed.
The execution status requires the order to be either in status 1 (completed) or 3 (timed out).
3Indicates that the order timed out for the mock payment.
The execution status requires the order to be in status 1 (completed).
4Indicates that the order’s mock refund has been completed.
The execution status requires the order to be in status 5 (refunded).


  1. Place an order using the specific mock appId we provided, and get the orderNo on the "Payment result" page (as shown in the image below).
  1. Stay on the "Payment result" page, call the mock API, and upload the value of status according to your testing needs. After a short wait, the order status on the page will change.